Seeing quails and wood-partridges of Guatemala with CAYAYA BIRDING: Family Odontophoridae

Buffy-crowned Wood-Partridges in humid scrub

Seven species of Odontophoridae have been recorded in Guatemala, of which five are covered in this photo collection.

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Buffy-crowned Wood-Partridge (Dendrortyx leucophrys)

Buffy-crowned Wood-Partridge Buffy-crowned Wood-Partridge Buffy-crowned Wood-Partridge hiding in scrub Buffy-crowned Wood-Partridges in humid scrub Buffy-crowned Wood-Partridge Dendrortyx leucophrys in Guatemala Buffy-crowned Wood-Partridge

Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus)

Northern Bobwhite

Spot-bellied Bobwhite (Colinus leucopogon)

Spot-bellied Bobwhite

Ocellated Quail (Cyrtonyx ocellatus)

Ocellated Quail Ocellated Quail chick of Ocellated Quail

Singing Quail (Dactylortyx thoracicus)

pair of  Singing Quail on nocturnal roost male Singing Quail male Singing Quail juvenile Singing Quails

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Contributions by Knut Eisermann and Claudia Avendaño of CAYAYA BIRDING to the knowledge about quails and wood-partridges in Guatemala

  • Eisermann, K. & C. Avendaño (2018) An update on the inventory, distribution and residency status of bird species in Guatemala. Bulletin British Ornithologists' Club 138: 148-229.
  • Eitniear, J. C. & K. Eisermann (2009) Status and recent sightings of Ocellated Quail. International Journal of Galliformes Conservation 1: 85-93.
  • Eisermann, K. & C. Avendaño (2009) Guatemala. Pp. 235-242 In: C. Devenish, D. F. Diaz Fernández, R. P. Clay, I. Davidson & I. Y. Zabala (eds.) Important Bird Areas Americas, priority sites for biodiversity conservation. BirdLife Conservation Series 16. Birdlife International, Quito, Ecuador.
  • Eisermann, K. & C. Avendaño (2007) Lista comentada de las aves de Guatemala - Annotated checklist of the birds of Guatemala. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Eisermann, K. & C. Avendaño (2006) Diversidad de aves en Guatemala, con una lista bibliográfica. Pp. 525-623 In: E. Cano (ed.) Biodiversidad de Guatemala, Vol. 1. Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, Guatemala.
  • Eisermann, K. & U. Schulz (2005) Birds of a high-altitude cloud forest in Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. Revista de Biología Tropical 53: 577-594.
  • More about our bird research in Guatemala...

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