The Guatemalan Ficker (Colaptes mexicanoides) was originally described by the French ornithologist Frédéric de Lafresnaye in 1844, but in the ornithological literature it was later lumped with closely related North American taxa to Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus). Recent molecular analyses suggested accepting Guatemalan Flicker as a distinct species (Manthey et al. 2017). The American Ornithological Society followed this suggestion in their 2024 update of the checklist of birds of North and Central America.Archive of photographs of the month
Manthey, J.D., M. Geiger& R.G. Moyle (2017) Relationships
of morphological groups in the Northern Flicker superspecies
complex (Colaptes auratus & C. chrysoides). Syst. Biodivers.